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Urodynamic Testing

Good Shepherd’s Urodynamics Diagnostic Service is part of Good Shepherd’s dedication to the health and well-being of the whole patient. Designed for those who suffer from neurogenic bladder, Good Shepherd’s urodynamic team uses state-of-the-art technology to diagnose the cause of bladder problems and determine the best treatment to maximize patient independence.

Patients Who Will Benefit

The Urodynamic service is designed for any patient who:

Experiences frequent episodes of incontinence due to neurogenic bladder:

  • Stress incontinence – loss of bladder control while sneezing, coughing, lifting, exercising, sexual activity, etc.
  • Urge incontinence – inability to hold urine long enough to make it to the bathroom
  • Overflow incontinence – caused by the inability of the bladder to hold urine due to high volume

Experiences an inability to empty the bladder due to:

  • Retention, excessive capacity or poor sensation of filling
  • Mechanical difficulties such as trauma, enlarged prostate or prolapsed bladder
  • Neurological difficulties such as spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis and diabetic neuropathy

What Happens During Urodynamic Testing?

The goal of urodynamic testing is to measure bladder activity and response. Patient will be asked to keep a bladder diary for one week before the test. During the test, the bladder is slowly filled with sterile water, enabling specially placed sensors to measure bladder pressure, spasms, sensation and leakage. Patients are asked to relay what sensations they have of their bladders filling and will be asked to void when the bladder is full.


Treatment is designed to maximize independence and well-being. Depending upon the cause, Good Shepherd’s noninvasive treatment recommendations may include bladder training, medication or a combination of both.


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Request an Appointment

For more information about Good Shepherd’s Urodynamic Testing Service or to request an appointment, please call 1.888.447.3422 (REHAB) or fill out the form below.

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