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ALLENTOWN, PA—The winter season ushers in frigid temperatures, cozy sweaters and decorative snowfalls. While these gifts from Mother Nature make it easy to fall into the fun of the season, it is important to remember the basics in terms of keeping yourself healthy and safe during this time of year.
“Falls, fractures and overexertion-related injuries are most common in the winter,” says Good Shepherd’s Administrative Director of Outpatient Orthopedics and Regulatory Compliance, Cynthia Bauer, PT, DPT, OCS.
These injuries often occur when people strain their back, neck and/or shoulder while pushing or shoveling snow. Additionally, fractures, dislocations, ACL tears and concussions can result from motor vehicle collisions and winter sports activities, such as skiing and snowmobiling. Bauer says that adults are more easily injured in these situations.
“Active kids are more resilient—they typically know how to fall and are more rubbery than adults, especially senior citizens who may have other medical conditions,” says Bauer. “This is why we really try to educate on preventative measures.”
The best way to keep yourself safe and healthy during the winter season is to engage in preventative measures. Good Shepherd recommends the following five tips:
If you do experience an injury, physical therapy is an excellent way to find relief. Dr. Bauer recommends to never hesitate when it comes to your health.
Listen to your body—it actually speaks to you!
About Good Shepherd
Good Shepherd Rehabilitation Network, based in Allentown, Pennsylvania, is a nationally recognized rehabilitation leader, offering an unmatched continuum of care for people with physical and cognitive disabilities. Good Shepherd treats 65,000 patients annually at more than 60 locations in nine Pennsylvania counties. GSRN is the eighth largest rehabilitation provider in the country, according to Modern Healthcare magazine. Learn more at GoodShepherdRehab.org, Facebook, Twitter @GSRN or @GSRNnews.
Media Contact:
Lynn Gerlach