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Dizziness and Balance Program

Dizziness and Balance / Vestibular Rehabilitation

Do you or a loved one ever feel dizzy or light-headed? Maybe a little “foggy” or as though the room is spinning?

Good Shepherd Rehabilitation’s outpatient Dizziness and Balance Program specializes in evaluating and treating dizziness and imbalance caused by:

  • Aging
  • Autoimmune inner ear disease
  • Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, also known as BPPV (i.e., ear crystals)
  • Head trauma, such as concussion
  • Migraines
  • Motion sensitivity
  • Neurologic conditions
  • Viral or bacterial infections

Specially trained dizziness and balance physical therapists provide comprehensive evaluations at one of Good Shepherd’s several eastern Pennsylvania locations:

What To Expect

A comprehensive evaluation at one of Good Shepherd’s several outpatient locations throughout eastern Pennsylvania is led by a specialized clinician.

  • Vestibular (inner ear) and visual systems are assessed to determine the potential causes for dizziness and/or balance impairment
  • Infrared video goggles may be used to more accurately assess inner-ear dysfunction
  • An individualized treatment program is designed to address specific symptoms and impairments

Video Goggle Technology

While dizziness and balance challenges are treated at all outpatient sites, several Good Shepherd locations also utilize infrared video goggles to assess and treat.

This technology can more accurately identify the root cause of symptoms or rule out more serious diagnoses that require medical follow-up.


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Request an Appointment

To get started, call 1.888.447.3422 (44.REHAB) or fill out the form below:

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