Why Choose Us
Learn more about Good Shepherd Rehabilitation Hospital, a destination for recovery for stroke, brain injury, spinal cord injury and complex medical rehabilitation.
As required by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), all hospitals must make available a list of their current standard charge amounts for medical services via the Internet in a machine-readable and searchable format, and the hospitals are to update this information at least annually. Below is some important information to help you understand the information provided by our hospital.
A chargemaster is a list of medical codes and prices for everything a hospital provides to patients.
The best way to understand what you will pay out-of-pocket is to work with your hospital and your insurer. In general:
These out of pocket costs are determined by governmental and commercial payers and are defined as follows:
Individuals without insurance may be eligible for financial assistance or charity care, or may be able to receive a reduced price from the hospital.
You may receive care from several different providers during your hospital stay or outpatient services. For example, you may see a physician not employed by Good Shepherd, have an X-ray taken and read by another provider, get blood work done, receive anesthesia for a procedure, require special medications or need medical transportation. Several of the individuals and organizations that provide these services are independent of Good Shepherd. These health care providers have their own charges and billing processes.
These providers may include but are not limited to:
As mentioned above, the hospital charge amounts published are not the amounts expected to be paid by patients and insurances. For an estimate of what a your out-of-pocket costs will be, please contact Good Shepherd’s Patient Financial Services Department at 610-776-3282 or 877-807-2840.
Click here for charges related to Good Shepherd Rehabilitation Hospital and outpatient services.
Click here for charges related to Good Shepherd Rehabilitation Hospital Pediatric services.
Click here for charges related to long term acute care services.
Click here for our machine readable file.
Inpatient total charges/negotiated price per payer are based on an average charge/price per case.
Total IP charges per case
The above billable items/services are presented in the gross charge per case, as an average per case charge.